Hotelcom portfolio

Project Overview

Hotelcom makes life super easy for hotel staff and guests with digitalization in form of QR logins, online requests, room management and more. So far, it has been adapted by multiple hotels in other countries.

Core Feature

  • Guests can check in with a QR code without providing personal information 
  • Easily manage room availability
  • Online food, laundry, room service and more order management
  • Orders and request tracking from the guest side.
  • Inventory management from hotel staff for user viewing 
  • Generate invoices with cost breakdown for 100% transparency 
  • Guide section for guests to use room appliances
  • Collections of ratings and reviews from hotel guests
  • Training models for hotel staff for quick reference
  • B2B subscription plans for restaurants
  • Guests can connect with hotel staff easily from the contact directory

Technology Stack used for Hotelcom

At TST Technology, we develop robust and adaptable applications using cutting-edge technologies. For Hotelcom, we utilize the Flutter framework to ensure optimal performance, security, and flexibility.

figma logo
react logo
flutter icon
Amazon Web Services Logo
Mysql logo


  1. Bring nostalgia to people by using an old-school circular dialer.
  2. Guest check-in without sharing personal information.
  3. Order status tracking from the guest side.


  1. Generated unique JWT tokens for each room to verify where the request came from without asking for guest details.
  2. Used Socket to notify guests of the progress of their orders and requests.

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