m81 portfolio

Project Overview

M81 is an ERP software designed for the solar industry, specifically for the KP Group. It manages and optimizes the operations and maintenance of solar plants by streamlining the workflow, from inventory management to maintenance scheduling for efficient plant operations.

Core Feature

  • Employee management
  • Inventory management
  • Expense management
  • Equipment management and maintenance 

Technology Stack used for M81

At TST Technology, we develop robust and adaptable applications using cutting-edge technologies. For Hotelcom, we utilize the Flutter framework to ensure optimal performance, security, and flexibility.

figma logo
react logo
azure logo
PostgreSQL Logo
Redis Logo


  1. Keeping track of which solar panels have been cleaned by which employees and which are yet to be cleaned.
  2. Determining which equipment needs maintenance when and tracking other tasks. 


  1. Data is updated at day end by a manager which helps us generate a cleaning log to assess work done by every employee and then create a checklist for the next day’s work.
  2. Created an integrated Kanban board that helps employees create maintenance requests and track their progress. Also created a checklist with reminders to set tasks on auto-mode.

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