MineMagma portfolio

Project Overview

It’s a content management system where you can find all mining-related information such as rules, regulations, news, and metal prices, easily viewed in a mobile app. 

Core Feature

  • Provide info based on subscription
  • Limited access for free plan
  • Check prices of metals
  • Compass 
  • Distance measurement tool
  • Unit conversion tool
  • PDF reader text-to-speech
  • Offline data saving

Technology Stack used for Minemagma

At TST Technology, we develop robust and adaptable applications using cutting-edge technologies. For Hotelcom, we utilize the Flutter framework to ensure optimal performance, security, and flexibility.

figma logo
react logo
flutter icon
Amazon Web Services Logo
Mysql logo
SQLite Logo


  1. Making information available while the user is offline.
  2. Measuring distance in real time.


  1. Used SQLite to make information available to users when they’re not connected to the internet.
  2. Integrated Geolocation from Google APIs to fetch real-time latitude-longitude of the user’s start and end point to calculate accurate distance.

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